#1 - Dumbbell Bench Press
The Dumbbell Bench Press is one in all the representative exercises one will do mistreatment dumbbells. though it will need you to own access to a bench it remains one in all the simplest ways in which to focus on your pectoral muscles (chest), your skeletal muscle, in addition as your front deltoids (shoulders).

#2 - Alternated striated muscle Curl The Alternated striated muscle Curl is another classic dumbbell exercise that positively belongs during this list. though there area unit several variations of this basic exercise, the most profit can stay to strengthen your striated muscle muscles and to a degree your forearms.

#3 - Shoulder Press
The Shoulder Press exercise
are often done by raising your 2 hands at an equivalent time or by pushing one hand up whereas lowering the opposite (alternating). It may be done whereas sitting down if your ceiling is low or maybe with a back-supported vertical bench if you would like to get rid of your back from the equation entirely.
#4 - skeletal muscle bribe The skeletal muscle bribe exercise is to skeletal muscle what the striated muscle Curl is to biceps: its all time classic. whereas can|you'll|you may} got to place your knee on a bench this setup will render performing arts the exercise terribly snug.

exercise health health tips gym