Working your core will improve your posture, balance and overall fitness and can be achieved by following a few simple exercises. We caught up with Max Matzick, personal trainer at Goodlife Health Clubs No.1 Martin Place, to find out how.
#1: The V-up
1. Sitting down, balance your body in a V position by leaning back slightly with your feet off the ground.
2. Bracing the abs with legs straight out, reach toward the toes then lower your legs down to the floor (not letting your feet touch the ground) before sitting back up.
3. Advanced: continue the movement with one hand reaching towards the opposing leg to increase oblique recruitment.
4. Do 10 reps with both hands, 10 with your right hand reaching for the left leg and 10 with your left hand reaching for the right leg.

#2: Knee tucks
1. Sitting on the edge of a bench, lean back at a 45-degree angle and place your hands on the bench by your sides.
2. Hold your legs out straight with your feet together just off the floor and bring your knees in towards your chest then straighten your legs out again. (This is one rep.)
3. Advanced: with shoulders back and hands by your sides, repeat this exercise trying not to roll backwards.
4. Complete 20 slow and controlled reps for best results.

#3: Hanging leg raises
1. Hanging from a chin-up bar and keeping your feet off the ground, straighten and raise both legs at the same time so that you are at a 90-degree angle.
2. If this is too difficult, bring your knees up instead and extend your legs out in front, then bend the legs and extend again.
3. Advanced: keep your legs straight and raise them up past the chin-up bar.
4. Try for 10 slow and controlled reps for 3-5 sets.

#4: Sit, lean and reach
1. Sitting down with knees bent, place feet flat on the floor at about 25cm away from your body.
2. Starting in a tucked position, lean back slowly with your arms out in front while keeping your feet flat on the floor.
3. Lean back at about 45 degrees, raise your arms above your head and hold for 10 seconds, remembering to keep your feet flat. (This is one rep.)
4. Complete 10 reps, holding each for 10 seconds.

#5: The Plank
1. Lie face down on the floor resting on the forearms with your palms flat then rise up onto the toes and rest on the elbows.
2. Keep your body in a straight line. Tilting your pelvis and contracting your abs will help to keep the spine in a neutral position.
3. Advanced: raise one leg and one arm at the same time and repeat as above.
4. Hold for 30 seconds and rest for 10. Repeat for 3-5 sets.